Dear Liqueur,

Dear Liqueur,

It was intimate; the residue fell so softly to her asphalt skin, the tyres that spiraled, like the foreboding moments of her final breath. It was almost….unearthed the mimicking that captured me as I laid in that position. I could smell it, the pungent caress of ignition as it taunted me. I reached fruitlessly to […]

Silence is Abuse

Silence is Abuse

So often we hear about the past and what it means or what it should mean. The past is merely a flickering light in a dark hole waiting to be unearthed. Not to shine as bright as the sun but to just be consistent; to be seen, understood and cherished. But how is that possible […]

“Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel” Horace Walpole

“Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel” Horace Walpole

Many definitions for life have been proposed throughout centuries from every type of philosopher to religious icon. However, they all have one synonymous view, the role of the human mind in perceiving the best or worst from any given situation in life. The tragedy of feeling is that people get trapped into a state of […]

What is Holiness, and is it still required today?

What is Holiness, and is it still required today?

In this so called modern world, we see an eroding of moral fabric, not only in a secular sense, but sadly, in the church as well. Questionable messages are thrown from the pulpits worldwide, leaving some of God’s people confused. We see God depicted daily as a loving caring Santa Clause like figure, if you […]

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Home Is Where The Heart Is

The rush of busy people with heads straight marching onward to fulfill their mission…building after building trying to hold hands with the sun as cars and buses dance between their sturdy legs trying not to miss a beat. Dreams had now become a reality; a reality that was shocking and hard to swallow. I cringed […]

Black Gold

Black Gold

Yesteryear’s vision of you makes me beam with pride. I see you valiant, and strong, The epitome of masculinity, Carrying the world on your shoulders. You stumble, yet you carry your load, Then I blink, and centuries past, You morph into this new creature, Value reduced in the view of others, Yet you are worth […]

Super Drug

Super Drug

Super Drug Tea Tree Wash and Cleanser/ Toner. Desperation clutched me, while frustration overpowered me. I seemed to be losing this war; therefore I had to change my battle tactics. I hunted Youtube and I came upon a precious oracle. There it was on the screen, in all its glorious “greenness”. I jumped to my […]

Questions of Curiosity

Questions of Curiosity

As we go about our day to day lives many questions pop into our minds as we interact with others, as we watch television; many topics arise that make us think and wonder. Education and racial discrimination has for a long time caused us as young black people to face many unanswered questions. We enter […]



My mind punched a symphony of serenity but my desire perpetuated delinquency, As I ogled into her glistening deep brown eyes, A blood rush of solicitude begged risk, My heart aesthetically entwined with hers, Reversed into a profound melody of beatitude, Compounded by desire, our scripts merged, Relentless were our hands, to auspices of emotion, […]

Remember in The Rain, What He told you when The Sun was Shining

Remember in The Rain, What He told you when The Sun was Shining

She felt sick to her stomach. As a matter of fact, she gagged a couple times, but no one seemed to notice. They were all too busy running for cover. The torrential rains beat down on her small, sorry looking frame as she walked. One step for today, the other for next year. What just […]