Dear Liqueur,

Dear Liqueur,

It was intimate; the residue fell so softly to her asphalt skin, the tyres that spiraled, like the foreboding moments of her final breath. It was almost….unearthed the mimicking that captured me as I laid in that position. I could smell it, the pungent caress of ignition as it taunted me. I reached fruitlessly to […]

“Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel” Horace Walpole

“Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel” Horace Walpole

Many definitions for life have been proposed throughout centuries from every type of philosopher to religious icon. However, they all have one synonymous view, the role of the human mind in perceiving the best or worst from any given situation in life. The tragedy of feeling is that people get trapped into a state of […]



My mind punched a symphony of serenity but my desire perpetuated delinquency, As I ogled into her glistening deep brown eyes, A blood rush of solicitude begged risk, My heart aesthetically entwined with hers, Reversed into a profound melody of beatitude, Compounded by desire, our scripts merged, Relentless were our hands, to auspices of emotion, […]

The Amber Tinge

The Amber Tinge

Unfetter the pollen grain, She is, That cryptic circle that bellows and bows, Illuminates the sunset of life, The fervor of my soul, She forms the collage of destiny, Disseminates through murky skies, She is speckled, This golden wiggen of colour, Now casted so delicately on unwavering sands, The moist pigment of her salacious eyes, […]

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am… Your rhythmic calendar, The heavenly pearls of your final success, Your closest palpation of dignity, Your stylish trend, I am… Every prismatic word that prophecy at pulpits, A vector that articulates tongues and birth God’s presence with reverberance of vocal cords, The collision of palms that desolate evil like a pandemic, I am… […]

What type of Shopper are you?

What type of Shopper are you?

Most of us shop everyday in one form or another. For many this action goes unnoticed because it’s part of our routine. We should learn to understand what motivates us to shop so that we get the most out of the experience and also prevent ourselves from being tempted. These are a few shoppers you […]



“The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife”- David Ogilvy The fashion industry has mastered the art of manipulating your perception. Marketers and advertisers spend millions of dollars familiarizing you with symbols that will convey desired messages. Fashion unlike other forms of media can be sold of the page, because you are already familiar […]

Time Sails in Boy days

Time Sails in Boy days

The clicking of spiralling bicycle wheels was an all too familiar chime.   At optimum speed the wind dallied through our finger tips, and heads tilted back to gander the evening sky.   The warmth of the sun threaded the ocean of pigmentation in our skin as we glided through pretentious streets.   We were […]

Million Dollar Market

Million Dollar Market

‘Nowhere is the rapid increase of the internet income more evident than on the internet itself’- Hirschey There is a turnover of at least 6 million per month from High Yield Investments. This pays high levels of interest on the money with great risk. In this season, when the online world and Multi-level Marketing companies […]