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Construction an Inside Communications Crew the Proper Manner

Construction an Inside Communications Crew the Proper Manner

In a world where business priorities are rapidly shifting, internal communications teams are forced to consider whether their structure still meets today’s strategic communication needs. The role of the internal communicator has also changed. Beyond partnering across the business, there’s a growing need to collaborate with counterparts across all aspects of corporate affairs and the […]

Why it Issues that “Genuine” is Merriam-Webster’s Phrase of the Yr

Why it Issues that “Genuine” is Merriam-Webster’s Phrase of the Yr

I’m sure it came as little surprise to many that Merriam-Webster recently announced “authentic” as its annual “word of the year,” meaning it was a high-volume dictionary look-up and a concept that people were clearly thinking and writing about. According to Merriam-Webster, authentic has a number of meanings, including “not false or imitation,” a synonym […]

What Is Disaster Communication? A Finest Practices Information for Leaders

What Is Disaster Communication? A Finest Practices Information for Leaders

In today’s dynamic business world, all leaders will inevitably face a crisis – or a series of them – at some point in their tenure. Whether it’s big issues or small disruptions, how leaders respond to the situation makes all the difference in securing the company’s reputation and maintaining the confidence and trust of employees.  […]

Efficient Management Transition: A 6-Step Information for Communicators

Efficient Management Transition: A 6-Step Information for Communicators

Leadership transitions are pivotal moments in the life of any organization. When managed effectively, new leaders can quickly gain the confidence and trust of their teams and prepare the organization for a strong future. Yet many research studies have found that transitions are often famously mishandled. Communicators are a common key missing link in helping […]

Learn how to Talk a Merger or Acquisition in 9 Steps

Learn how to Talk a Merger or Acquisition in 9 Steps

Mergers and acquisitions, or M&A as the process is more commonly known in the business world, reached an all-time high in 2021 as companies struggled to find their footing following shutdowns and a “new normal” brought about by the pandemic. While M&As made headlines at that time with mega-deals in the $20- to $30-billion range, […]

Joyce Carol Oates MasterClass Overview: Will This Assist You Excellent Your Brief Tales?

Joyce Carol Oates MasterClass Overview: Will This Assist You Excellent Your Brief Tales?

School may be out for summer, but it’s also a great time to work on your creative writing. What does true mastery of the short story look like? Literary legend Joyce Carol Oates has a MasterClass in short fiction, and as you might imagine, there’s no better person to teach you to write short stories. […]

Hybrid Publishing: Is it the Proper Alternative For Your Ebook?

Hybrid Publishing: Is it the Proper Alternative For Your Ebook?

If you’re not sure how you’d like to get your book out into the world, the host of possibilities in the publishing industry from traditional to indie can feel daunting. But today, we welcome Jericho Writers founder Harry Bingham to share insight about hybrid publishing. Read on to see if it might be a good […]

10 Writing Ideas from Ursula Le Guin

10 Writing Ideas from Ursula Le Guin

Ursula Le Guin is probably best known for her sci-fi and fantasy, but she also wrote poetry, creative nonfiction, and literary fiction. She won numerous awards for her work, and today, we share a few Ursula Le Guin quotes on writing to inspire you to keep working toward your literary dream.  Photo by Marian Wood […]

How you can Waste Time: 5 Methods To Do It Effectively

How you can Waste Time: 5 Methods To Do It Effectively

If you’ve ever found yourself wasting time or just overwhelmed with time management in general, today’s guest writer has an interesting perspective on how to waste time as a writer—and still invest in your personal growth and quality time with those people and things you want most.  Welcome to guest writer Emil Rem! Read more […]

Into vs. In To: The Easy Information to Retaining Them Straight

Into vs. In To: The Easy Information to Retaining Them Straight

Stuck on the distinction between “in to” and “into”? You’re not alone! Using the single word “into” is often misplaced with two individual words, “in” and “to.”  In this article, you’ll learn some quick grammar rules that can help you remember how and when to use these words in the English language to avoid this […]