Management Storytelling: How you can Join & Encourage Your Staff

Management Storytelling: How you can Join & Encourage Your Staff

We’ve all been there. Lost in the grip of a great story, we fast forward to the next episode of our favorite show, repeatedly flip the pages of a gripping novel from a beloved author, or get swept away in the details of a friend’s dramatic event. This is the power of the art and […]

Management Communication: 6 Abilities That the Finest Leaders Apply

Management Communication: 6 Abilities That the Finest Leaders Apply

The best leaders are exceptional communicators. That’s always been true and even more critical now, at a time when employees and other stakeholders are bombarded with information and often look to their leaders for what’s most important. Leaders who earn the trust and support of their team get there because they believe in the power […]

High 10 Ideas of Efficient Communication As we speak

High 10 Ideas of Efficient Communication As we speak

My entire career has been spent helping leaders communicate better. In working with leaders from a wide variety of industries over the years, our team has identified common traits that the best communicators possess. Not surprisingly, many of what defined greatness two decades ago still apply, and yet some skills have become even more relevant […]

Chief Methods for Navigating a Politically Divided Office This Election Season

Chief Methods for Navigating a Politically Divided Office This Election Season

The highly polarized 2024 election climate challenges business leaders and communicators facing the enormous task of communicating to a divided group of employees, customers, and other stakeholders wanting to feel respected and heard. Given just how intense the political environment has become, leaders surely have their hands full. That was abundantly clear at a recent […]

Worker Burnout: Indicators, Causes, and Find out how to Assist

Worker Burnout: Indicators, Causes, and Find out how to Assist

Amid all the constant changes in business today, signs of burnout are everywhere in the workforce. As the economy continues to rebound and employee mobility grows, burnout is a double-edged sword wreaking havoc for organizations, with many employees feeling checked out or looking to leave their jobs. Those who remain are left with picking up […]

Main By way of Change within the Office: Key Methods to Use Immediately

Main By way of Change within the Office: Key Methods to Use Immediately

There’s a reason the phrase “change fatigue” has become so common among employees and leaders today. The complexities of the business environment mean change is one thing most employees can expect, whether they like it not. Changes in strategy, restructuring, layoffs, the prevalence of mergers and acquisitions, people, and workplace culture issues – the list […]

Worker Wellbeing at Work: From Burnout to Thriving

Worker Wellbeing at Work: From Burnout to Thriving

There are so many new descriptions for how employees feel about work these days that it’s hard to keep up. Sadly, many workforce experts, polling firms, and other leaders define the current mood as unfavorable. Burnout, languishing, hopelessness, and quiet quitting have been highlighted, depending on where you look. It’s as if we’ve all agreed […]

Efficient Communication in Manufacturing (The 6 Key Steps)

Efficient Communication in Manufacturing (The 6 Key Steps)

The way many people work has changed dramatically in recent years, with so many more employees working online or adopting more flexible schedules. What’s often lost in the discussion of this dramatic workforce shift is the fact that workers in the manufacturing industry – a sizable part of the U.S. workforce – still feel left […]

AI-Powered Resume Assessment: How you can Use ChatGPT to Enhance ATS Compatibility

AI-Powered Resume Assessment: How you can Use ChatGPT to Enhance ATS Compatibility

In a highly competitive job market where every applicant is qualified and somehow has at least five years of experience, more companies turn to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to expedite the hiring process. Every applicant’s resume gets “scanned” into this software, and based on the keywords it finds and other technical jargon, the ATS selects […]

How Inner Comms Professionals Overcome Widespread Challenges in Advising Leaders on Massive Points

How Inner Comms Professionals Overcome Widespread Challenges in Advising Leaders on Massive Points

One of the most challenging parts of the communicator’s job today is how to help leaders wisely respond when issues arise. Often, leaders are cautious about communicating in difficult moments and may not understand why their employees need to hear from them. The list of potential topics is endless – ethics scandals, layoffs, world conflicts, […]