Tone in Writing: 42 Examples of Tone For All Forms of Writing

What is tone in writing and why does it matter?

Tone is key to all communication. Think of the mother telling her disrespectful child, “Watch your tone, young man.” Or the sarcastic, humorous tone of a comedian performing stand up. Or the awe filled way people speak about their favorite musician, author, or actor. Or the careful, soft tones that people use with each other when they first fall in love.

Tone is communication, sometimes more than the words being used themselves.

So then how do you use tone in writing, and how does tone influence the meaning of a writing piece?

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to use tone in all types of writing, from creative writing to academic and even business writing. You’ll learn what tone actually is in writing and how it’s conveyed. You’ll learn the forty-two types of tone in writing, plus even have a chance to test your tone recognition with a practice exercise. 

Ready to become a tone master? Let’s get started.

Why You Should Listen To Me?

I’ve been a professional writer for more than a decade, writing in various different formats and styles. I’ve written formal nonfiction books, descriptive novels, humorous memoir chapters, and conversational but informative online articles (like this one!).

Which is all to say, I earn a living in part by matching the right tone to each type of writing I work on. I hope you find the tips on tone below useful!

Table of Contents

Definition of Tone in Writing
Why Tone Matters in Writing
42 Types of Tone Plus Tone Examples
How to Choose the Right Tone for Your Writing Piece
Tone Writing Identification Exercise
Tone Vs. Voice in Writing
The Role of Tone in Different Types of Writing

Tone in Creative Writing
Tone in Academic Writing
Tone in Business Writing
Tone in Online Writing

Conclusion: How to Master Tone
Practice Exercise

Definition of Tone in Writing

Tone in writing refers to both the writer’s feelings and attitude towards the subject and the audience and how those feelings are expressed. Tone is one of the elements of writing, and writers convey their tone through word choice and syntax. Like tone of voice, it helps set the mood of the writing piece and influences the reader interpretation.

Examples of tone can be formal, informal, serious, humorous, sarcastic, optimistic, pessimistic, and many more (see below for all forty-two examples)

Why Does Tone Matter in Writing

I once saw a version of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in which the dialogue had been completely translated into various Indian dialects, including Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, and more. And yet, despite not knowing any of those languages, I was amazed to find that I could follow the story perfectly, infinitely better than the average Shakespeare in the park play.

How could I understand the story so well despite the fact that it was in another language? In part, it was the skill of the actors and their body language. But one of the biggest ways that the actors communicated meaning was one thing.

Their tone of voice.

Tone is one of the most important ways we grasp the meaning of what someone is saying. If someone says, “I love you,” in an angry, sneering way, it doesn’t matter what their words are saying, the meaning will be completely changed by their tone.

In the same way, tone is crucial in writing because it significantly influences how readers interpret and react to the text. Here are a few reasons why tone is important:

  1. Tone conveys feeling. The tone reflects the writer’s attitude toward the subject and the audience, helping to shape readers’ perceptions and emotional responses.
  2. Tone can help readers understand the meaning of the text. A well-chosen tone can clarify meaning, making it easier for readers to understand the writer’s intent and message.
  3. Tone is engaging! As humans, we are designed to respond to emotion and feeling! Tone can help to engage or disengage readers. A relatable or compelling tone can draw readers in, while an off-putting tone can push them away.
  4. Tone sets the mood. Tone can set the mood or atmosphere of a piece of writing, influencing how readers feel as they go through the text.
  5. Tone persuades. In persuasive writing, tone plays a significant role in influencing how convincing or compelling your arguments are.
  6. Tone reflects professionalism. In professional or academic contexts, maintaining an appropriate tone is crucial to uphold the writer’s authority.

In the same way, tone is crucial in writing because it significantly influences how readers interpret and react to the text.

42 Types of Tone in Writing Plus Examples of Tone

Tone is about feeling—the feeling of a writer toward the topic and audience. Which means that nearly any attitude or feeling can be a type of tone, not just the forty-two listed below.

However, you have to start somewhere, so here a list of common tones that can be used in writing, with an example for each type:

  1. Formal: This tone is professional, dignified, and somewhat detached. 
    • Example: “Upon analysis of the data, it’s evident that the proposed hypothesis is substantiated.”
  2. Informal: This tone is casual, friendly, and conversational.
    • Example: “Hey folks, today we’ll be chatting about the latest trends in tech.”
  3. Serious: This tone is solemn and sometimes urgent, not intended to be humorous or entertaining.
    • Example: “The implications of climate change on our future generations cannot be overstated.”
  4. Humorous: This tone is light, funny, and entertaining.
    • Example: “Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!”
  5. Sarcastic: This tone involves saying something but meaning the opposite, often in a sharp or cutting manner.
    • Example: “Oh great, another diet plan. Just what I needed!”
  6. Optimistic: This tone is hopeful and looks at the positive side of things. 
    • Example: “Despite the setbacks, we remain confident in our ability to achieve our goals.”
  7. Pessimistic: This tone is negative and tends to focus on the worst aspects of situations. 
    • Example: “Given the declining economy, it’s doubtful if small businesses can survive.”
  8. Urgent: This tone creates a sense of immediacy or importance and may call the reader to take immediate action.
    • Example: “We must act now! Every moment we waste increases the danger.”
  9. Objective: This tone is unbiased, neutral, fact based, and direct . It’s often used in scientific reports or news articles.
    • Example: “The experiment concluded with the subject showing a 25% increase in performance.”
  10. Subjective: This tone is personal, biased, and full of the personal opinions and feelings of the author. It’s often used in opinion pieces or personal essays.
    • Example: “I’ve always found the taste of coffee absolutely heavenly.”
  11. Respectful: This tone shows admiration or respect towards the subject. It’s used when talking about venerable individuals or institutions.
    • Example: “We owe our success to the ceaseless efforts of our esteemed team.”
  12. Irreverent: This tone deliberately shows lack of respect or seriousness. It’s often used in satirical or controversial pieces.
    • Example: “So much for their ‘revolutionary’ product. It’s as exciting as watching paint dry.”
  13. Critical: This tone scrutinizes or judges the subject matter. Often found in reviews or analytical essays.
    • Example: “The film’s plot was so predictable it felt like a tiresome déjà vu.”
  14. Inspirational: This tone is used to motivate, encourage, or stimulate the reader. Often found in motivational speeches or self-help books.
    • Example: “Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Believe in your potential.”
  15. Cynical: This tone questions the basic sincerity and goodness of people. It’s often found in satirical writing or social commentaries.
    • Example: “A politician making promises? Now there’s something new.”
  16. Passionate: This tone expresses strong feelings or beliefs. It’s often found in advocacy writing or opinion pieces.
    • Example: “We must fight to protect our planet—it’s the only home we have.”
  17. Indifferent: This tone shows a lack of interest or concern. It can be used for effect in certain types of storytelling or character development.
    • Example: “Whether it rains or shines tomorrow, it makes little difference to me.”
  18. Dramatic: This tone is filled with action, emotion, or suspense. It’s often used in stories, plays, or sensational news.
    • Example: “As the doors creaked open, a chilling wind swept through the abandoned mansion.”
  19. Melancholic: This tone conveys sadness or reflection. It’s often found in personal essays, poetry, or stories dealing with loss or sorrow.
    • Example: “She gazed at the fading photograph, lost in the echoes of a time long past.”
  20. Ironic: This tone involves saying one thing but implying the opposite. It’s often used for humor or criticism.
    • Example: “The fire station caught on fire—it’s almost poetic, isn’t it?”
  21. Sympathetic: This tone shows understanding and care towards the subject. It’s common in reflective essays or personal writing.
    • Example: “I can understand how challenging this period has been for you.”
  22. Contemptuous: This tone shows scorn or disrespect for the subject. It’s often found in polemical writings or critical essays.
    • Example: “His excuse for being late was as pathetic as it was predictable.”
  23. Euphemistic: This tone uses mild or indirect expressions to describe something unpleasant or embarrassing. Often found in diplomatic communications or formal letters.
    • Example: “Our feline companion has gone to pursue interests in a different locale” (meaning: the cat ran away).
  24. Direct: This tone is straightforward and to-the-point. It’s common in instruction manuals, news reporting, and business communication.
    • Example: “Your report is due by 5 PM tomorrow, no exceptions.”
  25. Conversational: This tone mimics everyday speech patterns. It’s informal, personal, and can include colloquial expressions. Blogs, social media posts, and some kinds of advertising often use a conversational tone.
    • Example: “So, you’ve got a hankering to learn about star constellations—well, you’re in the right place!”
  26. Narrative: This tone tells a story or describes a series of events. It’s often used in novels, short stories, and narrative essays. The tone can vary greatly depending on the nature of the story.
    1. Example: “She tiptoed down the dim hallway, every shadow pulsating with the mysteries of her childhood home.”
  27. Suspenseful: This tone builds tension and excitement. It’s common in thrillers, mysteries, and some types of dramatic writing.
    • Example: “With the approaching footsteps echoing in his ears, he quickly hid in the dark alcove, heart pounding.”
  28. Romantic: This tone focuses on feelings of love, beauty, or sentimentality. It’s used in romance novels, love poems, and certain types of descriptive writing.
    • Example: “His eyes were a stormy sea, and in their depths, she found an anchor for her love.”
  29. Fantastical: This tone creates a sense of wonder or amazement, typically used in fantasy or science fiction. It often involves detailed world-building and extraordinary elements.
    • Example: “In the heart of the mystical forest, nestled between radiant will-o’-the-wisps, was a castle spun from dreams and starlight.”
  30. Scholarly: This tone is academic and intellectual, usually found in scholarly articles, textbooks, and academic journals. It employs a formal writing style and advanced vocabulary.
    • Example: “The quantum mechanical model posits that electrons reside in orbitals, probabilistic regions around the nucleus, rather than fixed paths.”
  31. Didactic: This tone aims to educate or instruct the reader. It’s commonly used in instructional materials, guides, and moral or philosophical texts.
    • Example: “When constructing a thesis statement, it’s crucial to present a clear, concise argument that your paper will substantiate.”
  32. Cerebral: This tone is intellectually deep and thought-provoking. It’s often found in philosophical works, critical analyses, or theoretical discussions.
    • Example: “The juxtaposition of light and dark imagery in the novel serves to illustrate the dichotomy between knowledge and ignorance.”
  33. Analytical: This tone is systematic and logical, focusing on breaking down complex concepts or problems into their parts for better understanding. It’s often found in research papers, critical essays, and scientific reports.
    • Example: “Upon deconstructing the narrative, one can discern the recurrent themes of loss and redemption.”
  34. Pedantic: This tone is overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, often in a manner that’s perceived as showy or pretentious. It’s found in works that emphasize deep knowledge or excessive adherence to rules.
    • Example: “One must remember, however, that the epistemological underpinnings of such an argument necessitate a comprehensive understanding of Kantian philosophy.”
  35. Philosophical: This tone explores deep questions about life, purpose, morality, etc. It encourages readers to think deeply and critically about these fundamental questions.
    • Example: “The ephemeral nature of existence prompts us to contemplate the purpose of our pursuits and the value of our accomplishments.”
  36. Minimalist: This tone uses the least number of words necessary to convey a point, focusing on simplicity and clarity. Unnecessary details and descriptions are generally avoided.
    • Example: “She left the room.”
  37. Straightforward: This tone is direct and unambiguous. It aims to present information clearly and simply, without metaphor, embellishment, or subjectivity.
    • Example: “Global warming is a major issue that needs immediate attention.”
  38. Stream-of-Consciousness: This tone mimics the thought processes of a character or the narrator. Sentences can be long and rambling, with frequent shifts in ideas or topics, much like how thoughts flow in the human mind.
    • Example: “Maybe she’ll come tomorrow, I thought, watching the cars pass by, headlights blurring in the rain—oh, to be somewhere else, anywhere, the beach maybe, sand between my toes, the smell of the sea…”
  39. Introspective: This tone involves a deep exploration of one’s thoughts, feelings, or experiences. It often focuses on inner emotions more than external events.
    • Example: “In the quiet solitude of the night, I grappled with my fears, my hopes, my dreams—how little I understood myself.”
  40. Descriptive: This tone provides detailed information about a subject, often using rich sensory language to help the reader visualize the scene or subject.
    • Example: “The autumn leaves crunched underfoot, their vibrant hues of scarlet and gold painting a brilliant tapestry against the crisp, cerulean sky.”
  41. Reflective: This tone involves thoughtful consideration of a subject, often from a personal perspective. It’s often seen in personal essays, memoirs, or reflective pieces.
    • Example: “Looking back on my childhood, I see a time of joy and innocence, a time when the world was a playground of endless possibilities.”
  42. Awe-filled: This tone expresses a sense of wonder, admiration, or reverence. It’s often used when describing breathtaking natural scenes, extraordinary feats, or profound wisdom.
    • Example: “Gazing up at the star-studded sky, I was struck by a sense of awe; the universe’s vast expanse dwarfed my existence, reducing me to a speck in the cosmic canvas.”
  43. Bonus! Inspirational: This tone is meant to motivate, encourage, and stimulate the reader. It often suggests a sense of admiration and respect for the topic or person being discussed.
    • Example: “His unwavering determination in the face of adversity serves as a shining beacon for us all, inspiring us to strive for our dreams, no matter the obstacles.”

Any others that we forgot? Leave a comment and let us know!

Remember, tone can shift within a piece of writing, and a writer can use more than one tone in a piece depending on their intent and the effect they want to create.

The tones used in storytelling are particularly broad and flexible, as they can shift and evolve according to the plot’s developments and the characters’ arcs.

​​How do you choose the right tone for your writing piece?

The tone of a piece of writing is significantly determined by its purpose, genre, and audience. Here’s how these three factors play a role:

  1. Purpose: The main goal of your writing guides your tone. If you’re trying to persuade someone, you might adopt a passionate, urgent, or even a formal tone, depending on the subject matter. If you’re trying to entertain, a humorous, dramatic, or suspenseful tone could be suitable. For educating or informing, an objective, scholarly, or didactic tone may be appropriate.
  2. Genre: The type of writing also influences the tone. For instance, academic papers often require a formal, objective, or scholarly tone, while a personal blog post might be more informal and conversational. Similarly, a mystery novel would have a suspenseful tone, a romance novel a romantic or passionate tone, and a satirical essay might adopt an ironic or sarcastic tone.
  3. Audience: Understanding your audience is crucial in setting the right tone. Professional audiences may expect a formal or respectful tone, while a younger audience might appreciate a more conversational or even irreverent tone. Furthermore, if your audience is familiar with the topic, you can use a more specialized or cerebral tone. In contrast, for a general audience, a clear and straightforward tone might be better.

It’s also worth mentioning that the tone can shift within a piece of writing. For example, a novel might mostly maintain a dramatic tone, but could have moments of humor or melancholy. Similarly, an academic paper could be mainly objective but might adopt a more urgent tone in the conclusion to emphasize the importance of the research findings.

In conclusion, to choose the right tone for your writing, consider the intent of your piece, the expectations of the genre, and the needs and preferences of your audience. And don’t forget, maintaining a consistent tone is key to ensuring your message is received as intended.

How to Identify Tone in Writing

How do you identify the tone in various texts (or even in your own writing)? What are the key indicators that help you figure out what tone a writing piece is?

See our comprehensive guide to tone in writing here and discover the key indicators that help you figure out tone.

Identifying the tone in a piece of writing can be done by focusing on a few key elements:

  1. Word Choice (Diction): The language an author uses can give you strong clues about the tone. For instance, formal language with lots of technical terms suggests a formal or scholarly tone, while casual language with slang or contractions suggests an informal or conversational tone.
  2. Sentence Structure (Syntax): Longer, complex sentences often indicate a formal, scholarly, or descriptive tone. Shorter, simpler sentences can suggest a more direct, informal, or urgent tone.
  3. Punctuation: The use of punctuation can also impact tone. Exclamation marks may suggest excitement, urgency, or even anger. Question marks might indicate confusion, curiosity, or sarcasm. Ellipsis (…) can suggest suspense, uncertainty, or thoughtfulness.
  4. Figurative Language: The use of metaphors, similes, personification, and other literary devices can help set the tone. For instance, an abundance of colorful metaphors and similes could suggest a dramatic, romantic, or fantastical tone.
  5. Mood: The emotional atmosphere of the text can give clues to the tone. If the text creates a serious, somber mood, the tone is likely serious or melancholic. If the mood is light-hearted or amusing, the tone could be humorous or whimsical.
  6. Perspective or Point of View: First-person narratives often adopt a subjective, personal, or reflective tone. Third-person narratives can have a range of tones, but they might lean towards being more objective, descriptive, or dramatic.
  7. Content: The subject matter itself can often indicate the tone. A text about a tragic event is likely to have a serious, melancholic, or respectful tone. A text about a funny incident will probably have a humorous or light-hearted tone.

By carefully analyzing these elements, you can determine the tone of a text. In your own writing, you can use these indicators to check if you’re maintaining the desired tone consistently throughout your work.

Tone Writing Exercise: Identify the tone in each of the following sentences

Let’s do a little writing exercise by identifying the tones of the following example sentences.

  1. “The participants in the study displayed a significant improvement in their cognitive abilities post intervention.”
  2. “Hey guys, just popping in to share some cool updates from our team!”
  3. “The consequences of climate change are dire and demand immediate attention from world leaders.”
  4. “I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.”
  5. “Despite the challenges we’ve faced this year, I’m confident that brighter days are just around the corner.”
  6. “Given the state of the economy, it seems unlikely that we’ll see any significant improvements in the near future.”
  7. “No mountain is too high to climb if you believe in your ability to reach the summit.”
  8. “As she stepped onto the cobblestone streets of the ancient city, the echoes of its rich history whispered in her ears.”
  9. “Oh, you’re late again? What a surprise.”
  10. “The methodology of this research hinges upon a quantitative approach, using statistical analysis to derive meaningful insights from the collected data.”

Give them a try. I’ll share the answers at the end!

Tone Versus Voice in Writing

Tone and voice in writing are related but distinct concepts:

Voice is the unique writing style or personality of the writing that makes it distinct to a particular author. It’s a combination of the author’s syntax, word choice, rhythm, and other stylistic elements.

Voice tends to remain consistent across different works by the same author, much like how people have consistent speaking voices.

For example, the voice in Ernest Hemingway’s work is often described as minimalist and straightforward, while the voice in Virginia Woolf’s work is more stream-of-consciousness and introspective.

Tone, on the other hand, refers to the attitude or emotional qualities of the writing. It can change based on the subject matter, the intended audience, and the purpose of the writing.

In the same way that someone’s tone of voice can change based on what they’re talking about or who they’re talking to, the tone of a piece of writing can vary. Using the earlier examples, a work by Hemingway might have a serious, intense tone, while a work by Woolf might have a reflective, introspective tone.

So, while an author’s voice remains relatively consistent, the tone they use can change based on the context of the writing.

Tone and voice are two elements of writing that are closely related and often work hand in hand to create a writer’s unique style. Here’s how they can be used together:

  1. Consistency: A consistent voice gives your writing a distinctive personality, while a consistent tone helps to set the mood or attitude of your piece. Together, they create a uniform feel to your work that can make your writing instantly recognizable to your readers.
  2. Audience Engagement: Your voice can engage readers on a fundamental level by giving them a sense of who you are or the perspective from which you’re writing. Your tone can then enhance this engagement by setting the mood, whether it’s serious, humorous, formal, informal, etc., depending on your audience and the purpose of your writing.
  3. Clarity of Message: Your voice can express your unique perspective and values, while your tone can help convey your message clearly by fitting the context. For example, a serious tone in an academic research paper or a casual, friendly tone in a personal blog post helps your audience understand your purpose and message.
  4. Emotional Impact: Voice and tone together can create emotional resonance. A distinctive voice can make readers feel connected to you as a writer, while the tone can evoke specific emotions that align with your content. For example, a melancholic tone in a heartfelt narrative can elicit empathy from the reader, enhancing the emotional impact of your story.
  5. Versatility: While maintaining a consistent overall voice, you can adjust your tone according to the specific piece you’re writing. This can show your versatility as a writer. For example, you may have a generally conversational voice but use a serious tone for an important topic and a humorous tone for a lighter topic.

Remember, your unique combination of voice and tone is part of what sets you apart as a writer. It’s worth taking the time to explore and develop both.

The Role of Tone in Different Types of Writing

Just as different audiences require different tones of voice, so does your tone change depending on the audience of your writing. 

Tone in Creative Writing

Tone plays a crucial role in creative writing, shaping the reader’s experience and influencing their emotional response to the work. Here are some considerations for how to use tone in creative writing:

  1. Create Atmosphere: Tone is a powerful tool for creating a specific atmosphere or mood in a story. For example, a suspenseful tone can create a sense of tension and anticipation, while a humorous tone can make a story feel light-hearted and entertaining.
  2. Character Development: The tone of a character’s dialogue and thoughts can reveal a lot about their personality and emotional state. A character might speak in a sarcastic tone, revealing a cynical worldview, or their internal narrative might be melancholic, indicating feelings of sadness or regret.
  3. Plot Development: The tone can shift with the plot, reflecting changes in the story’s circumstances. An initially optimistic tone might become increasingly desperate as a situation worsens, or a serious tone could give way to relief and joy when a conflict is resolved.
  4. Theme Expression: The overall tone of a story can reinforce its themes. For instance, a dark and somber tone could underscore themes of loss and grief, while a hopeful and inspirational tone could enhance themes of resilience and personal growth.
  5. Reader Engagement: A well-chosen tone can engage the reader’s emotions, making them more invested in the story. A dramatic, high-stakes tone can keep readers on the edge of their seats, while a romantic, sentimental tone can make them swoon.
  6. Style and Voice: The tone is part of the writer’s unique voice and style. The way you blend humor and seriousness, or the balance you strike between formal and informal language, can give your work a distinctive feel.

In creative writing, it’s important to ensure that your tone is consistent, unless a change in tone is intentional and serves a specific purpose in your story. An inconsistent or shifting tone can be jarring and confusing for the reader. To check your tone, try reading your work aloud, as this can make shifts in tone more evident.

Tone in Academic Writing

In academic writing, the choice of tone is crucial as it helps to establish credibility and convey information in a clear, unambiguous manner. Here are some aspects to consider about tone in academic writing:

  1. Formal: Academic writing typically uses a formal tone, which means avoiding colloquialisms, slang, and casual language. This helps to maintain a level of professionalism and seriousness that is appropriate for scholarly work. For instance, instead of saying “experts think this is really bad,” a more formal phrasing would be, “scholars have identified significant concerns regarding this matter.”
  2. Objective: The tone in academic writing should usually be objective, rather than subjective. This means focusing on facts, evidence, and logical arguments rather than personal opinions or emotions. For example, instead of saying “I believe that climate change is a major issue,” an objective statement would be, “Research indicates that climate change poses substantial environmental risks.”
  3. Precise: Precision is crucial in academic writing, so the tone should be specific and direct. Avoid vague or ambiguous language that might confuse the reader or obscure the meaning of your argument. For example, instead of saying “several studies,” specify the exact number of studies or name the authors if relevant.
  4. Respectful: Even when critiquing other scholars’ work, it’s essential to maintain a respectful tone. This means avoiding harsh or judgmental language and focusing on the intellectual content of the argument rather than personal attacks.
  5. Unbiased: Strive for an unbiased tone by presenting multiple perspectives on the issue at hand, especially when it’s a subject of debate in the field. This shows that you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic and that your conclusions are based on a balanced assessment of the evidence.
  6. Scholarly: A scholarly tone uses discipline-specific terminology and acknowledges existing research on the topic. However, it’s also important to explain any complex or specialized terms for the benefit of readers who may not be familiar with them.

By choosing an appropriate tone, you can ensure that your academic writing is professional, credible, and accessible to your intended audience. Remember, the tone can subtly influence how your readers perceive your work and whether they find your arguments convincing.

Tone in Business Writing

In business writing, your tone should be professional, clear, and respectful. Here are some aspects to consider:

  1. Professional and Formal: Just like in academic writing, business writing typically uses a professional and formal tone. This ensures that the communication is taken seriously and maintains an air of professionalism. However, remember that “formal” doesn’t necessarily mean “stiff” or “impersonal”—a little warmth can make your writing more engaging.
  2. Clear and Direct: Your tone should also be clear and direct. Ambiguity can lead to misunderstanding, which can have negative consequences in a business setting. Make sure your main points are obvious and not hidden in jargon or overly complex sentences.
  3. Respectful: Respect is crucial in business communication. Even when addressing difficult topics or delivering bad news, keep your tone courteous and considerate. This fosters a positive business relationship and shows that you value the other party.
  4. Concise: In the business world, time is often at a premium. Therefore, a concise tone—saying what you need to say as briefly as possible—is often appreciated. This is where the minimalist tone can shine.
  5. Persuasive: In many situations, such as a sales pitch or a negotiation, a persuasive tone is beneficial. This involves making your points convincingly, showing enthusiasm where appropriate, and using language that motivates the reader to act.
  6. Neutral: In situations where you’re sharing information without trying to persuade or express an opinion, a neutral tone is best. For example, when writing a business report or summarizing meeting minutes, stick to the facts without letting personal bias influence your language.

By adapting your tone based on these guidelines and the specific context, you can ensure your business writing is effective and appropriate.

Tone in Online Writing

Online writing can vary greatly depending on the platform and purpose of the content. However, some common considerations for tone include:

  1. Conversational and Informal: Online readers often prefer a more conversational, informal tone that mimics everyday speech. This can make your writing feel more personal and relatable. Blogs, social media posts, and personal websites often employ this tone.
  2. Engaging and Enthusiastic: With so much content available online, an engaging and enthusiastic tone can help grab readers’ attention and keep them interested. You can express your passion for a topic, ask questions, or use humor to make your writing more lively and engaging.
  3. Clear and Direct: Just like in business and academic writing, clarity is key in online writing. Whether you’re writing a how-to article, a product description, or a blog post, make your points clearly and directly to help your readers understand your message.
  4. Descriptive and Vivid: Because online writing often involves storytelling or explaining complex ideas, a descriptive tone can be very effective. Use vivid language and sensory details to help readers visualize what you’re talking about.
  5. Authoritative: If you’re writing content that’s meant to inform or educate, an authoritative tone can help establish your credibility. This involves demonstrating your knowledge and expertise on the topic, citing reliable sources, and presenting your information in a confident, professional manner.
  6. Optimistic and Inspirational: Particularly for motivational blogs, self-help articles, or other content meant to inspire, an optimistic tone can be very effective. This involves looking at the positive side of things, encouraging readers, and offering hope.

Remember, the best tone for online writing depends heavily on your audience, purpose, and platform. Always keep your readers in mind, and adapt your tone to suit their needs and expectations.

How to Master Tone

Tone isn’t as hard as you think.

If you’ve ever said something with feeling in your voice or with a certain attitude, you know how it works.

And while mastering the word choice, syntax, and other techniques to use tone effectively can be tricky, just by choosing a tone, being aware of tone in your writing, and making a concerted effort to practice it will add depth and style to your writing, heightening both the meaning and your audiences enjoyment.

Remember, we all have tone. You just need to practice using it. Happy writing!

What tone do you find yourself using the most in your writing? Let us know in the comments.


Here are two writing exercises for you to practice tone.

Exercise 1: Identify the Tone

Using the ten identification examples above, write out the tones for each of the examples. Then use this answer guide to check your work.

  1. Formal
  2. Informal
  3. Serious
  4. Humorous
  5. Optimistic
  6. Pessimistic
  7. Inspirational
  8. Narrative
  9. Sarcastic
  10. Scholarly

How many did you get correctly? Let me know in the comments.

Exercise 2: Choose One Tone and Write

Choose one of the tones above, set a timer for fifteen minutes, then free write in that tone. 

When your time’s up, post your practice in the our community Practice Workshop here and share feedback with a few other writers.