Creativity Sucks! appears to be like on the position of design in politics

It goes without saying that we are living through complex political times. With division rife across the political spectrum, and voters often turned off by infighting and game-playing, the role of communication and design for politicians is more important than ever.

So for the latest episode of Creativity Sucks!, CR’s new podcast which looks at some of the challenges facing the creative industries today, we look at how advertising and design can influence politics, and ask whether it is used as a force for good, or if it is more effective at stoking division.

Leaflets created by Sana Iqbal for the local elections in Lewisham in May

Joining CR editor Eliza Williams for this discussion are three expert guests:

Jeremy Sinclair, who over a long career at Saatchi & Saatchi and M&C Saatchi in London worked on numerous campaigns for the UK Conservative Party, including acting as creative director on the famous Labour Isn’t Working campaign from 1978.

Sana Iqbal, a graphic designer who has worked with the UK Labour Party, including on the recent mayoral campaign in Lewisham, where Labour mayor Damien Egan was re-elected with 58% of ballots cast.

Ben Guerin, a founding partner at the agency Topham Guerin, who has worked on campaigns for a range of political clients including the Conservative Party in the UK and the Liberal Party in Australia.

Conservative party social posts created by Topham Guerin during the 2019 election

In the podcast we discuss what makes a good political slogan, how to successfully reach voters today, and whether as a creative or designer you need to believe in the party you are working with. Perhaps unsurprisingly, as with all things political, many different views are aired…

Listen to the episode below or wherever you usually receive your podcasts: