15 Worthwhile Methods To Use Fb Carousel Advertisements

Facebook carousel ads provide marketers and entrepreneurs with a compelling way to showcase their products and services to customers. Since it can contain different images or videos, it seems like a straightforward yet effective marketing strategy.

How can you use Facebook carousel ads for your own social media strategy?

Let's start with the basics of carousel ads.

What is a Facebook carousel ad?

The Facebook carousel ad format consists of up to ten pictures or videos. Each carousel card has a URL that users can click to view a specific product page or landing page.

Here is an example of a Facebook carousel ad for bee earrings:

Facebook carousel ad - bees

Viewers can swipe left or right to see the clickable maps on mobile devices, while desktop users can click the left or right arrow keys. We bet you saw a number of these ads as you scrolled your feed.

Benefits of Facebook Carousel Ads

Carousel ads have a unique advantage over the traditional single ad format.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits you need to know about:

Present different products

Carousel ads allow marketers to showcase various products or services in one ad.

A clothing store can post a carousel ad with separate "cards" or pictures of a shoe, shirt, or pants. The photos can be used to visually showcase your brand and highlight the different uses of your products. Digiday reports that Facebook carousel ads are 10 times better than a normally formatted ad.

Check out this ad from Love, Bonito that features flashy dresses that can grab the attention of viewers.

Facebook carousel ad - love bonito

Highlight videos

Of course, it sounds interesting to present products. However, if you want to tell a more in-depth story, you can also add videos.

Similar to the usual carousel, you also have different cards. Instead of an image, the card has a playable video.

This function is useful for extensive product showcases. You can also add a clip of an event or destination.

Check out this Carousel Ad from Operation Broken Silence for a short clip of dinner, drinks, and carousel rides for their event.

Facebook Carousel Ad - Operation Broken Silence

Include different CTAs

Unlike the typical ad, Facebook carousel ads let you add different CTAs to different landing pages. Add a URL to specific product pages of the featured products or the download page of your mobile app.

According to Facebook, this ad format results in 30 to 50 percent lower cost per conversion and 20 to 30 percent lower cost per click compared to single-image link ads. Hence, it is an inexpensive way to advertise your products.

For example, this Domestika ad includes a "Buy Now" CTA linked to the discounted rates page. When viewers find a card that piques their interest, they can click the CTA and be directed to the website for more information or to purchase the product.

Facebook carousel ad - Domestika

Use of Facebook carousel ads

Under what circumstances would a company create a carousel ad? Here are some ways brands can use them to improve their results.

Increase the traffic

What if you want to increase brand awareness and increase traffic to your website? Some brands use the carousel format to share their initiative.

Macy's carousel ad for "Buy A Coat & We'll Donate One" aimed to raise awareness by driving traffic to their website. The carousel had successfully generated more than 14 million impressions and helped the brand contribute 35,000 coats to Clothes4Souls.

Facebook Carousel Ad - Macys

Increase conversions

Of course, ads are only effective if they translate into conversions and sales in your business. Check out this amazing carousel ad that produced results for Pura Vida Bracelets.

Their handcrafted bracelets and accessories enable artisans to get full-time jobs. With a compelling copy and pictures, their carousel ads resulted in a quadrupling of orders in two months. The conversion rate increased by a staggering 70 percent and the cost per acquisition with dynamic product ads increased by 40 percent.

Facebook Carousel Ad - Pura Vida bracelets

Create better engagement

In addition to products, Facebook carousel ads can also be used to promote blog posts, infographics, and downloadable content to target your audience.

Let's take a look at this Precision Nutrition ad that features fitness-inspired images linked to the downloadable guide, blog post, and infographic. Their workout diet myths and recommendations encourage health conscious consumers to sign up for their newsletter.

How did it go? The campaign resulted in a whopping 6,000 new newsletter subscriptions!

Facebook Carousel Ad - Precision Nutrition

Generate leads

We all want to generate more leads, and carousel ads can do that too.

Solar energy company Living Skies Solar created carousel displays to generate leads for its solar panel. To get people's attention, they highlighted electricity tariffs and Canada's carbon taxation policy.

How did it go? The ad generated roughly 600,000 to 700,000 impressions on an ad spend of $ 4,000.

Facebook carousel ad - Living Skies Solar

Get brand awareness

Additionally, Facebook carousel ads can be used to generate interest and attention.

Z&Y Restaurant creates hype for its Chinese food by showcasing its delicious menu. It also helps to share that its supporters include former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State.

Facebook Carousel Ad - Z & Y Restaurant

How to Create Facebook Carousel Ads

The Facebook Ads Manager allows users to create a Facebook carousel ad with two or more videos or images, links and headings. Desktop users can click the arrows on the display to view the rest of the maps, while mobile users can scroll through the maps.

If you want to make your own, here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Visit the Facebook Ads Manager.

Step 2: Hover over the top left corner and select the + Create Possibility.

Step 3: Choose a lens that supports the carousel format you have chosen. Some common goals are brand awareness, reach, traffic, app installs, lead generation, news, conversions, catalog sales, and store traffic.

Step 4: Fill in the Campaign details, campaign budget optimization, and A / B test. Then click the "Next" button.

Step 5: Add your Target group, budget and schedule, internships, and Optimization and delivery Information, and then click Next.

Step 6: Go to Identity sectionand select the Facebook page that you want to use for the advertising campaign. You can also add your Instagram account if needed.

Step 7: Go to Display setup Section, then choose Carousel.

Step 8: In the advertising motif area, you can select links or images for your carousel cards.

Here is the process of manually adding this information:

  • Choose choose picture and add the specific image for an ad. If you'd like to add a video instead, scroll down to Add media and choose Add video add a new carousel card.
  • Write your Headline, description and Website URL.
  • You can add a new carousel card to the ad by clicking Add media and choose the add a picture or Add video Possibility.
  • If you want to delete a carousel card, select the To edit Then choose option Remove.
  • You can change the order of the carousel cards by selecting the cards and dragging them to the desired location.
  • Facebook Ads Manager has a check box option too Automatically display the best performing cards first. You can deactivate the option if you want to change the ticket order yourself.
  • You can also uncheck the box At the end, add a card with your Facebook page profile pictureif you don't want to add a carousel card to your Facebook Page profile picture.

Step 9: At this point, you have successfully created your carousel card. Next, you need to add your CTA and primary text.

Step 10: Preview your ad to make sure everything goes right. If you want to make changes, choose Edit placement.

Step 11: If necessary, complete the Tracking section. If everything is ok, click Publish.

5 tips for creating great Facebook carousel ads

Marketers will know that creating a successful Facebook carousel ad is a lot harder than it looks. However, there are tips and tricks that you can follow to make sure it's successful.

1. Use eye-catching images

According to 3M, graphics are processed 60,000 times faster than text. This shows that using high quality graphics, especially on the first carousel card, is key to your success.

For example, Mastercard's “Start Something Priceless” initiative includes a striking black and white drawing by sushi chef Oona Tempest. Since the image easily attracts attention, viewers will have to browse the other carousel cards to learn more about them.

Facebook Carousel Ad - Mastercard

2. Follow the Facebook recommendations

As with any other social media ad, be sure to stick to the platform's recommendations.

For Facebook ads, here are the design recommendations and technical requirements:

  • Image file type: JPG or PNG
  • Video file type: MP4, MOV, or GIF
  • Ratio: 1: 1
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Text recommendations

  • Primary text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Description: 20 characters
  • Landing Page URL: Required

technical requirements

  • Number of carousel cards: 2 to 10
  • Maximum image size: 30 MB
  • Video maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes
  • Aspect ratio tolerance: 3 percent

3. Change the order of your cards based on the results

The first carousel card is very important because it's the first thing people see. It determines whether viewers browse the other cards or click on the CTA.

While figuring out the best card to place on the front can be difficult, Facebook can analyze the results of each card and change the order based on performance.

4. Add a link to relevant landing pages

An effective Facebook carousel ad can grab people's attention, but what counts is conversions. Since Facebook carousel ads let you add multiple CTAs, you can add links to each landing page so that interested customers can make a purchase.

For example, ALOHA FROM DEER has CTAs linked to product pages on each card. It also includes the discount and price of the clothes. This reduces the steps in the buying process and encourages interested consumers to buy.

Facebook carousel Ad-Aloha by Hirsch

5. Write a great copy

Images are very important, but headings, CTAs, and descriptions are all equally valuable. Not only does it add context, but a compelling story or goal can make people click too.

Making a great copy doesn't require rocket science. Just think about how your brand can stand out from the crowd. They can share an interesting story or a compelling fact.

For example, Extinction Rebellion discusses the rapid acceleration rate of extinction in a million species. They include a link to their press releases that readers can click to learn more about the issue.

Facebook Carousel Ad - Extinction

Facebook carousel ads versus other paid ad types

How do Facebook carousel ads compare to other types of social media ads?

Most ad formats, such as PPC and cell phone ads, include a headline and an image or video.

It may seem simple, but the message is clear and straightforward. This makes it ideal for launching a specific product or service.

In contrast, carousels allow you to display multiple images or videos in one ad. It is highly recommended for product demos and highlighting product features or specifications.

From a marketer's point of view, the multi-image format ensures that the brand doesn't limit itself to discussing a product or a feature. In the meantime, consumers can discover more information about the brand and generate engagement.


Facebook carousel ads have a unique format that can provide significant benefits. In addition to promoting different products, you can use carousel cards to share different aspects of your brand.

Publishing your carousel ad can help you drive traffic, increase conversions, generate leads, and get better engagement.

As long as you know the right steps, you can easily create an ad in Facebook Ads Manager. Take advantage of the unique format and add multiple CTAs, high quality images and convincing copies. Then you can get started!

How will you use Facebook carousel ads for your business?

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